Stroller 'Round Eden
I was woken by a laughing Lily this morning at 7.30, so decided to get up instead off my typical response which would be to roll over. I gave Lily the gift my mum had sent over for her and Daisy; one of my favourite books growing up "Hairy Maclary From Donaldson's Dairy". It was a hit.
We had lunch at home and then headed off (in the rain, again!) to the Eden Project in St Austell. The Eden Project primarily consists of two huge transparent domes, and these are filled with plants from around the world. Watch the film Bio-Dome for more! I am not so interested in plants, but I was impressed with the spectacle of the place; these domes we huge, an engineering feat, or somesuch.
I had a crash course in operating a three-wheeled stroller before we headed back to the carpark in the rain to get the two shivering girls into the car. Later that night Kate picked up her husband Dave from the train station who had travelled to Bodmin after work in Bristol. A few drinks and dinner before heading to bed at a reasonable hour knowing that tomorrow would be another early start.