Monday, June 19, 2006


Sat 17 Jun

After a cruisy morning Claudia drove us to Winterfeldmarkt to get snacks and supplies. I bought some delicious cheeses and pestos, and some turkish bread. Our lunch was Turkish doner (doo-ner).

Got home and chilled around the house, preparing a family dinner; which was sehr gut.

No one goes out till late so we only left at midnight to get to the club (Icon) where some drum and bass DJs were playing. On the way Alessa, Aaron, Jannis and I picked up Yonca and her friend Marielle. The club was awesome, underground. It was pretty quiet early on so we played 'Finger On' and 'A Ship Came Into The Harbour'.

Cut up some massive shapes on the d-floor and went home exhausted.


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