Friday, June 16, 2006

Roman Forts

Wed 7 Jun

I was up and atom and caught the AD122 bus to tour Hadrian's Wall. My first stop was Housesteads a Roman fort which was built in the second century. It is the most intact fort in Britain. I hadn't seen anything like this before and spent a few hours walking around the ruins trying to picture the soldiers in their day-to-day life back then. My second stop was at a Mithras Temple; which turned out to be a replica which was a sham(e).

I waited with a couple for the bus, which never came, so they gave me a lift to Vindolanda - another Roman fort. Terribly kind of them it was. This fort is a little bit different to Housesteads as there is excavation still being done as there have been some discoveries recently. They are finding more and more artifacts everyday which helps them unravel what happened there when it was occupied. Vindolanda is most famous for its

Once I got back, Meg and I cooked a quick dinner and then wandered up the road to watch 'The Da Vinci Code'. We had both read the book and were looking forward to it despite all the warnings we had received that it was slow and dragged on a bit. It wasn't a classic film, but I thought that it was quite well adapted. Definitely worth seeing.


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